Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 Biggest WTF Moments From ''Young at Heart''

Do you love Secret Life of the American Teenager unconditionally? So do we! But sometimes we scratch out heads and go: “What the whaaaa?” If you ended this episode filled with Secret Life joy, but also some mild confusion about certain teens and their bulging bellies, you’re in luck! We’ve rounded up the biggest WTF moments from last night’s amazeballs episode.

1. Ben and Adrian did the deed in their kid’s nursery? This one slipped by us last week, but there’s no way we can ignore it this time ‘round. Apparently, Ben and Adrian’s sextacular night of bliss took place in the future sausage princess’ nursery! Who knew putting together a crib could be so hot? Ew, of all the times to get in the mood for a baby bump n’ grind, this one takes the cake as the most WTF of them all. We feel so sorry for you, La Niña.

2. Why do Grace and Adrian just show up at Amy’s? It’s called a text, people! We kind of get Adrian showing up at the Juergens’ to brag about her hot sex to Amy — after all, she lives next door, but what’s Grace’s excuse? It’s just plain rude! Oh well, anything goes in Secret Life land. It’s like a time warp back to the 1960s where peeps just left their doors unlocked and went around having unprotected hippie sex all the time. No wonder all these kids are up to their hair coifs in STIs.

3. So ... golfing is cool now? Apparently, between last week and this week, Ricky, Jack, and Tom fast-forwarded about 30 years and became middle-aged. How else do you explain their manly pow wow at the driving range? We thought all the cool kids shot hoops or played Wii, but boy, were we way the hell wrong. Plus, did you guys notice that they were at the range after dark, all by themselves? Totes sketch.

4. Is Grace moonlighting as the Cookie Monster? We want to get all WTF-y on this one, but think hard: Does it kinda make sense? You’d think in her 17 years, Grace would be able to throw together some chips and dip for her future in-laws, but girlfriend has led a life of such perfection that she probs gets her make-up done by forest animals and is dressed every morning by a troupe of seven dwarves. Of course she only knows how to make cookies!

5. George is looking for “women who drink?” Someone needs to get George a girlfriend stat, because he’s way past sleazy-ville and is headed straight towards Jail Time City. George is so desperate that he’s willing to suck face with anything with breasts at this point, but picking up drunks at a bar is a whole new low.

6. Grace’s house = Partay City!? OMG, Secret Life gang, head on over to Grace’s pad because there’s a sweet dance-a-thon going down in her living room! And by that we mean the most random, awkward, hard-to-watch scene in Secret Life history. Oh, old people, why you be so crazy?

source: abcfamily wetpaint

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