Thursday, March 10, 2011

WETPAINT: Top 6 Most Emotional Moments From Secret Life Season 3

Watching an episode of Secret Life is like being on the craziest pregnant person-filled emotional rollercoaster ever. Sometimes, we’re laughing (not that often), sometimes we’re crying, and usually we’re just really worried. One thing’s for sure: tissues, comfort food, and some kind of iced drink for when Ricky takes off his shirt are necessities. This past season of Secret Life was especially intense. So many broken hearts! So much hair gel! So many tears!

We’ve rounded up the emotional highs and lows, so you better go find a shoulder to cry on!

1. Ricky asks Adrian if she’s preggers (season 3, episode 2)
OMG, this scene! Ricky hears the word on the street that Adrian’s preggo and tentatively shows up on her doorstep looking like a lost puppy. He barely manages to choke out “Are you pregnant?” before his eyes fill will tears, which we wish we could kiss away. Adrian is speechless and Ricky just wanders off all by his lonesome. Where does he go? Your guess is as good as ours. Probs to the local strip club. But man, oh man — it’s moments like this that make us true believers in Ricky + Adrian.

2. Adrian and Cindy real talk (season 3, episode 4)
Adrian and her mamacita have an intense convo about whether or not Adrian should keep the baby. Adrian even breaks out the Spanish in her rage! We have no idea what she says (four years of high school Spanish classes clearly failed us), but we think she’s pissed. Cindy comes clean about being a crappy mom and admits that she herself wanted an abortion, but thought that it would send her straight to hell. But then she tells Adrian that keeping her was hellish, too! Wait, what? Is Cindy telling Adrian to have an abortion, or not? OMG, we can’t handle all these mixed messages! Whatev, all we know is that we cried and you probs did too.

3. Ricky sends his mom back to the clink (season 3, episode 7)
Nora’s booking it back to jail for violating her parole, and Ricky gives her a ride. In the car, Nora presents Ricky with a giant man-necklace (which we really hope he never wears), and tells him how much she hearts him. This boy is a sucker for some lovin,’ and yep — he wells up. And... so do we. Pretty soon Ricky’s running out of the car screaming, “Mom! Mom!” and we’re sobbing as they hug it out in front of the jailhouse.

4. Ben tells Amy that Adrian’s having his baby (season 3, episode 7)
You guys, this scene is epic. Ben flies all the way to NYC to spill the beans about Adrian’s baby bump, and after a quick make-out sesh (it’s always good to squeeze one in when you can), he blurts out the “good news.” Did you see Amy’s face? Girlfriend could cut a b*tch. As Ben rambles on about loving her etc., Amy’s all, GTFO! She hops into a cab and poor Ben’s left broken-hearted in The Big Apple. (BTW, since when does Amy have enough dough to cab it around NYC? Can’t she just hang with the bedbugs and rats in the subz like the rest of us?!)

5. Adrian decides not to have an abortion (season 3, episode 6)
Adrian runs into Ricky’s foster mom at the abortion clinic and has a major sob-fest about her pregnancy. Margaret gives Adrian some words of wisdom: “There are some decisions you can reverse, and some you can’t. This being one of those.” Sounds like Margaret’s encouraging Adrian not to get an abortion, but she couches it in lots of “do whatev you want” talk. Ultimately, Adrian decides to put her dreams of going to law school on hold to become the hottest mom ever.

6. Ben and Adrian get “engaged” (season 3, episode 12)
OK, so lately we’ve sorta been hating on Ben. But he really comes through in this scene, and yes — his sweet speech made us cry! Ben brings Adrian a bouquet of flowers and asks if he can be more involved in the pregnancy. He even admits to being a huge whiny baby, and Adrian is so moved that she wells up. It’s amazing to watch her eyes tear — her makeup doesn’t run at all! (Seriously, we need to know what eyeliner this girl uses, or we’re just gonna assume it’s tatted on.) These two renties-to-be realize that they’re in it for the long haul, and it’s totes romantic — even if they’re just friends!

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